When to Look

Graphics of houses with magnifying glass overtop

Many housing properties in the Iowa City area begin the lease signing process as early as September/October for the next school year. Do not get caught up in the “sign up now” advertising frenzy. A wide variety of very good housing options are available well into spring and early summer. Leases shorter than 12 months are very rare.

Fall Semester

Fall vacancies for the next school year begin advertising in September with the greatest selection during the months of September through January. Fall housing is still available the spring and summer but choices become more limited as August approaches.

Spring Semester

Advertising for spring semester housing begins around November. Many of these listings are subleases offered by December graduates.

Summer Rentals

Subleases for summer are advertised as early as March. Summer sublets often offer reduced rental rates and flexible lease periods.

Note: Be sure you understand the terms of any sublease agreement. Some summer subleases offer a fall lease option, some do not. Fall lease options may have a higher monthly rental rate than the summer rate.