Hosting Parties

If you have a party, it is your responsibility to keep it under control. City ordinances prohibit loud, disorderly, drunken conduct on city streets or public places.

Neighbors have the right to a peaceful environment. Violation of the Keeping a Disorderly House ordinance is a misdemeanor and can result in costly fines.

String lights at outdoor party

Party Smart!

  • Check with your landlord about policies regarding parties
  • Let your neighbors know about the party and ask them to call you with concerns
  • Invite only the number of people you can accommodate.
  • Consider parking issues. Do not let guests block streets or driveways
  • Monitor the level of noise coming from your party
  • Provide adequate trash and recycling containers
  • Keep guests off crowded roofs and balconies
  • If you receive calls from neighbors or the police arrive, cooperate with their requests
  • Be familiar with state and local laws regarding alcohol consumption and supplying alcohol. See below.

Serving Alcohol: What You Need to Know

  • You cannot charge at the door even if you call it a cup charge.
  • You cannot sell alcohol
  • You cannot serve alcohol to guests under the legal drinking age of 21
  • Do not allow drinking games or contests
  • Limit the number of drinks served per person
  • Have plenty of soft drinks/water available
  • Don’t drink too much yourself – you are responsible for the safety of guests
  • KNOW the signs of alcohol poisoning and what action to take in an emergency
  • Help people find rides home from sober drivers. Consider arranging for designated sober party guests before the party