
Two roommates holding boxes and smiling

Finding a Roommate

Most students find roommates through friends or friends of friends. If you are new to the community, or need help finding roommates, check out the Roommate Finder on the Off-Campus Housing Service.

Some apartment management companies offer roommate matching and roommate placement services.

Roommate matching services connect students based on their stated preferences in the areas of study time, interests, and lifestyle. Roommate placement services house students based on available space without consideration of study or social preferences.

Choosing a Roommate

Compatibility issues can result in misunderstandings and unpleasant living situations. Discuss the following topics with potential roommates before signing a lease with another person(s):

• Study and sleep habits and expectations

• Smoking and drinking habits

• Cleaning common spaces

• Cooking, shopping, and kitchen clean-up

• Refrigerator space and sharing food

• Money issues and paying bills

• Financial stability: consider sharing credit reports

• Overnight guests and boyfriends/girlfriends

• Sharing personal products and music/electronics/bikes

• Ask about signing separate leases – each roommate is responsible for only their portion of the rent

• Pets

• Conflict resolution

• Consider signing a roommate agreement

Problems with Roommates

Unresolved conflicts with roommates can affect your personal comfort and your studies.

Consider the following options:

Roommate Mediation Services are offered to UI students through the Office of the Ombudsperson. Call 319-335-3608 for information

• Talk to the landlord/property management office. Some larger complexes allow transferring to another unit

• Find someone to sublease your part of the lease. This requires approval from your landlord.

Note: A lease is a binding document. It is not an option to move out. You will be held responsible for the rent for the entire period of the lease. Violation of your lease will result in court costs and have a negative impact on your credit history.

Roommate Agreement

A roommate agreement is a legally binding contract between you and your roommates that outlines your rights and responsibilities as tenants of your shared living space.

This agreement can help prevent disputes between roommates by clearly defining each person's role in the household and outlining expectations for behavior, cleanliness, and more.

(Click to enlarge/download)

This agreement made on ________________ (date) is a contract between:
______________________________________________________________________________________________co-tenants, for
the rental premises located at ______________________________________________________.
This agreement is to last for the same term as our lease agreement, which runs from ________________ to
________________. I understand that I am entering into a legally binding agreement that is enforceable by and
between my roommates. I understand that this agreement is not enforceable with regard to my landlord, and
will not protect me against any claims that my landlord may have against myself or my roommates under our
lease agreement.
Security Deposit: The security deposit for the rental premises is $________________. My share amounts to
$________________. I accept responsibility for damages which I, my pet(s), or my guests cause, and I will
reimburse my roommates for the part of the security deposit withheld for these damages.
Rent: The total rent according to the lease agreement is $ ________________ per month. I promise to pay
$________________ per month on or before the due date set forth in the lease agreement. My payments will be
made to___________________________________(ex. directly to the landlord or to co-tenant). I understand that we
as a group, and I as an individual, are responsible to the landlord for the total rent due for the full term of the
lease agreement. I understand that the landlord can evict all of the tenants if the landlord doesn’t receive the
rental payments in full and on time each month.
I promise to pay 1/____ of the deposits and/or hook-up charges for all utilities.
I promise to pay 1/____ of the monthly utilities (water, gas, electric, etc).
I promise to place the following utilities in my name and to ensure that monthly payments are collected and
made by all co-tenants in full and ontime_____________________________________________. I promise to pay as
follows for any additional utilities or services (cable, internet, security system)
Moving Out: If, for any reason, I move out of the rental premises, I realize that it is my responsibility to find a
replacement tenant. I promise to take reasonable steps to find a replacement roommate who is acceptable to
my present roommates. If one of my roommates moves out, I understand that it is my responsibility to take
reasonable steps to find a replacement tenant. I understand that it is in the best interests of all roommates to
replace any departing tenants as quickly as possible because all of the roommates still remain liable to the
landlord for the full amount of the rent.
Additional Agreements: Attached are additional agreements that are incorporated into this contract, including:
food/shopping arrangements; cleaning responsibilities; privacy; parking; sharing personal items; noise/study
times; smoking/drinking/drugs; parties and entertaining; overnight guests, pets, etc.
The roommates have executed this agreement on ________________ (date).
Signed by: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________


Information provided on this web site pertaining to tenant/landlord issues and procedures is general information about Iowa Tenant/Landlord Law. (See Chapter 562A Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Law.) The information pertains to Iowa law. If you are viewing this site from another state, you should be aware that this area of law may differ from state to state.

Before you take any action based on information from this site, please seek legal advice. Your questions and facts are specific to your case. Therefore, information on this site cannot substitute for legal advice from an attorney practicing in your jurisdiction. Again, you should consult an attorney before taking any legal action based on information found on this site.


157 Iowa Memorial Union
